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  • 5 Best Subway Subs On The Menu, According To Foodies
    by Matthew Sherdan on July 26, 2024 at 6:36 pm

    Who doesn’t love a good sub? Whether you’re on a lunch break, road trip, or simply craving something hearty and delicious, Subway has got you covered with a menu packed full of tasty options. But with so many choices, how do you decide which sub to sink your teeth into?… The post 5 Best Subway Subs On The Menu, According To Foodies by Matthew Sherdan appeared first on Study Finds.

  • Top 5 Roller Coasters In America, According To Thrill-Seekers
    by Winston McDaniel on July 26, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    Hold onto your hats and fasten your seatbelts, thrill-seekers, because we’re about to embark on a wild ride through the best roller coasters in America! From coast to coast, the nation’s amusement parks boast some of the most heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping coasters that will leave you breathless and begging for more.… The post Top 5 Roller Coasters In America, According To Thrill-Seekers by Winston McDaniel appeared first on Study Finds.

  • 400 years later, hidden elements discovered in Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe’s alchemy lab
    by StudyFinds Staff on July 26, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    A groundbreaking study is shedding light on Tycho Brahe’s early experiments, offering a rare glimpse into the laboratory work of one of history’s most renowned scientists. The post 400 years later, hidden elements discovered in Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe’s alchemy lab by StudyFinds Staff appeared first on Study Finds.

  • 5 Best Places To Live In The Midwest, Ranked
    by Anna Landry on July 26, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Dreaming of a place where the charm of small-town living meets the vibrancy of urban excitement? Look no further than the Midwest, the heartland of America, where the possibilities are as expansive as the plains themselves. From the bustling streets of Chicago to the serene lakeshores of Minnesota, the Midwest… The post 5 Best Places To Live In The Midwest, Ranked by Anna Landry appeared first on Study Finds.

  • Groundbreaking drug may clear out HIV hiding in the brain
    by StudyFinds Staff on July 26, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    A groundbreaking discovery could pave the way for eliminating the virus from one of its most stubborn hiding places – the brain. The post Groundbreaking drug may clear out HIV hiding in the brain by StudyFinds Staff appeared first on Study Finds.

  • How to Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases
    by Erin Elizabeth on June 3, 2024 at 12:54 am

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to research published in the February 15, 2024, issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR),1,2prevalence of Lyme Disease were 1.7 times (70%) higher in 2022 than the annual U.S. average reported from 2017 through 2019. This dramatic increase is not thought to reflect The post How to Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • 5 Potent Nootropic Herbs to Supercharge Memory and Concentration
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 28, 2024 at 4:34 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Nootropics are sometimes called “smart drugs” since they enhance cognitive performance and especially executive functions like memory, focus and creativity. Naturally occurring nootropics support focus and concentration by improving neural mechanisms related to learning and memory. Nootropic herbs have long been a staple of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and other traditional medicine practices. They The post 5 Potent Nootropic Herbs to Supercharge Memory and Concentration appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • ‘Strong and Consistent Evidence’ Links Multivitamins to Memory and Cognitive Benefits
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 23, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Taking a daily multivitamin may improve memory and slow cognitive decline in older adults, according to a third major study on the topic. The studies used data from the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS), which evaluated whether cocoa extract supplementation with and without a standard multivitamin affected the risk of developing The post ‘Strong and Consistent Evidence’ Links Multivitamins to Memory and Cognitive Benefits appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • Symptoms of Diverticulitis and How to Treat It
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 18, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection of small pouches called diverticula that can develop along the walls of your intestines. The formation of these pouches is known as diverticulosis, a common condition that typically causes few or no symptoms. However, when these pouches become inflamed or infected, it leads to diverticulitis, which can The post Symptoms of Diverticulitis and How to Treat It appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 17, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Serotonin — also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT — is typically referred to as “the happiness hormone” and deficiency is thought to be the source of depression. That’s why depression is routinely treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that raise serotonin levels in your brain. The problem is, serotonin is NOT responsible The post SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • Elon Musk Shows up for Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on the Same Day Tesla Loses $90 Billion in Big Tech Market Bloodbath
    by Brian-Admin on July 24, 2024 at 11:56 pm

    In a Wall Street bloodbath today that saw significant losses in the DOW, S&P 500, and Nasdaq, the Big Tech “Magnificent 7” companies (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Tesla) lost $1.7 TRILLION in market share, in just one day. Shares of Tesla stock were down the most, losing 12.3%, close to a $90 billion loss. Tesla’s quarterly report on earnings yesterday was not as positive as shareholders had expected, and some seem to be waking up to the fact that Musk may not be as smart as everyone thinks, as he continues to sell the future and his AI hype, while sales of his Tesla vehicles are declining, as are other EV sales. Ford also posted another $1 billion loss on electric vehicles last quarter. The fools who still believe in Musk think Teslas are different from other EVs, and insist that their investment in Tesla is not really an investment in an automobile manufacturer, but in an AI company that is going to build robots and self-driving cars. The Big Tech crash is coming. Today might have been the start of the ultimate crash as reflected in the stock markets, but it will probably take some more time for people to realize that their faith in the technology is not real, and that one cannot just wait for the future forever. Meanwhile, as Kamala Harris and JD Vance, along with many others were no-shows at the Benjamin Netanyahu show in Congress today, one person that few expected to see showed up: Elon Musk. The post Elon Musk Shows up for Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on the Same Day Tesla Loses $90 Billion in Big Tech Market Bloodbath first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • What Might Donald Trump’s Cabinet Look Like in a Second Term? Would He Drain the Swamp – Or Fill it Back Up?
    by Brian-Admin on July 23, 2024 at 9:22 pm

    With the Republican Party nomination of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States complete, and his selection of J.D. Vance for Vice President, the media is now talking about what a possible Trump Cabinet would look like at the beginning of his second term. Multiple sources have reported that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of the largest, most complex and scandal-ridden bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as the Secretary of the Treasury. In a recent article in the NY Post, however, reporter Charles Gasparino writes that the Secretary of the Treasury job is more likely to go to Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock and believed by some to be the most powerful person in the world. But there’s room for both of them in a Trump Cabinet. Fink could easily become the Secretary of State, a job that Trump first gave to Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, in his first term. Anyway, the featured image I created for this article fills in a few names for various Cabinet positions that Trump could likely nominate for various posts. In a recent show, Jimmy Dore asked journalist Whitney Webb if she thought Trump would really drain the swamp this time, if elected. Watch her response. Whitney Webb has also just published a complete report on the background of J.D. Vance, Trump’s choice for Vice President: “The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think” The post What Might Donald Trump’s Cabinet Look Like in a Second Term? Would He Drain the Swamp – Or Fill it Back Up? first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • Lack of IT-Skilled Human Workers is Leading to a Cyber Pandemic – 500,000 Cybersecurity Jobs Unfilled in the U.S.
    by Brian-Admin on July 23, 2024 at 12:05 am

    As the full effects of the Microsoft glitch that took down so many businesses and government agencies this past Friday are still being evaluated, the vulnerability of a software system run by a cybersecurity firm is presenting new information to hackers and exposing just how unprepared the U.S. Government is to protect our country against cyber attacks that are a real threat to national security. After the CrowdStrike failed software update that infected 8.1 million devices with cascading effects spreading to millions, if not billions, of other devices and computer systems, the threat of a Cyber Pandemic is now very real. And the main reason that the U.S. Government is powerless to stop something like a Cyber Pandemic is not because of a lack of technology or computer resources, since the U.S. is home to the largest technology companies in the world, but it is due to a lack of human resources: Cybersecurity professionals. In 2021 CNN published an article with the title: “Wanted: Millions of cybersecurity pros. Salary: Whatever you want”. The article highlighted the increasing cyber attacks in the U.S. and the lack of cybersecurity experts to prevent these attacks, with over 300,000 cybersecurity job openings going unfilled. Fast forward to today in 2024, and the situation has only become worse. A few weeks ago (June, 2024), members of Congress raised concerns over the shortage of cybersecurity professionals, which has now grown to a half million open jobs that cannot be filled. The post Lack of IT-Skilled Human Workers is Leading to a Cyber Pandemic – 500,000 Cybersecurity Jobs Unfilled in the U.S. first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • One Single Computer Glitch Could Cost Tens of $Billions of Losses, Showing How Frail Technology Has Become
    by Brian-Admin on July 21, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    This past Friday morning brought headlines such as “Largest IT Outage in History!” and “Just Like Y2K Except this Time it is Real!” Hundred of millions, if not billions, of people and businesses around the world were affected, from airlines to FedEx and other delivery companies to financial institutions to hotel reservations and personal PC users. The culprit was reported as a Microsoft Windows update to a software program that runs on many Windows computers, from the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Microsoft has reported that the glitch affected 8.5 million devices. Since the problem is still ongoing as I write this on Sunday, there is no way to know what the cost is to the global economy because of this glitch. Estimates at this point are claiming it will top 1 $billion in losses. However, I can assure you that those costs will well exceed this estimate, and will easily be in the tens of $billions, just from the loss of online ecommerce sales alone, not to mention every other industry that was affected where sales are not conducted online. I have run my own ecommerce store for over 20 years, and I have a pretty good feel for how sales go each day, based on day of the week, current sales we are running, etc. Yesterday, (Saturday 7/20/24) we had our lowest day in sales for many years, and I would estimate that we lost about 50% of our sales yesterday, due to this problem that obviously prevented many of our customers from ordering online. Globally, there were $5.8 trillion in online sales in 2023, and the forecast for 2024 is $6.3 trillion in sales. $6.3 trillion in online sales for one year is about $16.5 billion in sales every single day. Let’s be conservative and estimate that about 30% of ecommerce sales were lost in just one day, yesterday. That would be about $5 billion in lost revenue, and that is just for one day, and only online sales, not sales lost in the airlines industry, hotel industry, freight delivery industry, etc. This loss could easily be in the tens of $billions, if not more, just for ONE single computer glitch, and we will experience the economic ripples of this for the rest of the year. The post One Single Computer Glitch Could Cost Tens of $Billions of Losses, Showing How Frail Technology Has Become first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • Israel Humiliated by Houthis as Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed by Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads to U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding
    by Brian-Admin on July 20, 2024 at 10:34 pm

    In an event barely mentioned in the U.S. media yesterday (Friday, July 19, 2024), Yemen’s Houthi militants launched a new class of drones into the heart of Tel Aviv, considered the capital city of Israel by most of the world (97 embassies are in Tel Aviv compared to only 6 embassies in Jerusalem,) and is the country’s economic and technological center. The drone attack appeared to be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, exploding very near it, and allegedly went undetected by American Israeli defense systems, being the first attack of its kind. This was truly an historical never-before-seen attack directly on Israel’s second most populous city, indicating that the Houthis are stepping up their attacks and not just simply targeting ships in the Red Sea anymore. While I have seen some reports that this attack on Tel Aviv yesterday might delay Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington D.C., news from D.C. seems to indicate that the trip is still on for this coming week. This begs the question: Will anyone try to arrest Netanyahu on the outstanding warrant for his arrest at the International Criminal Court? Protests are being planned in D.C., and Mike Johnson, the current Zionist leader of the House of Representatives, has threatened to arrest other lawmakers who do not support Israel. The post Israel Humiliated by Houthis as Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed by Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads to U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding first appeared on Health Impact News.

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