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  • The Weight-Loss Injection Scam: Feeding Pharma Greed
    by Paul Anthony Taylor on October 18, 2024 at 11:10 am

    Author information Paul Anthony Taylor Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. Prior to joining the Foundation, Paul’s background was in the music industry, where he worked as a keyboard player and programmer with artists including Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas, and Primal Scream. He first became interested in natural health after falling ill with a chronic fatigue syndrome-related disorder in 1991 and subsequently making a full recovery through the use of natural health therapies. After meeting Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzwiecki at an anti-Codex rally in Berlin in 2002, Paul was inspired to make a life-changing decision to leave the music industry to work for the Foundation and help defend the right of patients worldwide to have free access to natural health approaches. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor Der Executive Director der Dr. Rath Health Foundation ist einer der Koautoren des explosiven Buchs „Die Nazi-Wurzeln der Brüsseler EU“. Paul ist auch unser Experte zum Thema „Codex Alimentarius-Kommission“ und hat Augenzeugenerfahrung als offizieller beobachtender Teilnehmer bei diesen Treffen. Bevor er seine Arbeit bei der Stiftung antrat war Paul in der Musikindustrie aktiv. Er arbeitete als Keyboard-Spieler und Programmierer mit Künstlern wie Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas und Primal Scream. Sein Interesse an natürlicher Gesundheit wuchs, als er 1991 an Störungen erkrankte, die aus einem chronischen Erschöpfungssyndrom resultierten. Durch natürliche Gesundheitstherapien wurde er schließlich vollständig geheilt. Ein Treffen 2002 mit Dr. Rath und Dr. Niedzwiecki bei einer Anti-Codex-Demonstration in Berlin inspirierte ihn zu einer lebensverändernden Entscheidung und er verließ die Musikindustrie um für die Stiftung zu arbeiten und das Recht der Patienten zu verteidigen, weltweit freien Zugang zu natürlichen Gesundheitsverfahren zu haben. Auf Twitter ist Paul unter @paulanthtaylor zu finden. Twitter The post The Weight-Loss Injection Scam: Feeding Pharma Greed appeared first on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

  • Americans ‘Left Paralyzed by Mandated Covid Vaccines’
    by Dr. Rath Health Foundation on October 18, 2024 at 10:57 am

    Patients who were severely injured after taking mandated Covid vaccines say they feel ‘abandoned’ by the U.S. government and their doctors. The post Americans ‘Left Paralyzed by Mandated Covid Vaccines’ appeared first on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

  • Gardener Awarded $78 Million After Roundup Weed Killer Gave Him Cancer
    by Dr. Rath Health Foundation on October 18, 2024 at 10:46 am

    A Pennsylvania gardener will be awarded $78 million in compensation after a court found that Roundup, a glyphosate-based weed killer, caused his blood cancer. The post Gardener Awarded $78 Million After Roundup Weed Killer Gave Him Cancer appeared first on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

  • Vitamin C Deficiency in Senior Citizens Increases Risk of Bleeding and Fatigue
    by Dr. Rath Health Foundation on October 18, 2024 at 10:38 am

    A new study suggests that older adults experiencing abnormal bleeding, fatigue, and weakness should be evaluated for scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. The post Vitamin C Deficiency in Senior Citizens Increases Risk of Bleeding and Fatigue appeared first on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

  • Study Finds Common Breast Cancer Treatments May Speed Aging Process
    by Dr. Rath Health Foundation on October 18, 2024 at 10:27 am

    A new study has revealed that common breast cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, may accelerate the biological aging process in breast cancer survivors. The post Study Finds Common Breast Cancer Treatments May Speed Aging Process appeared first on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

  • How to Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases
    by Erin Elizabeth on June 3, 2024 at 12:54 am

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to research published in the February 15, 2024, issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR),1,2prevalence of Lyme Disease were 1.7 times (70%) higher in 2022 than the annual U.S. average reported from 2017 through 2019. This dramatic increase is not thought to reflect The post How to Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • 5 Potent Nootropic Herbs to Supercharge Memory and Concentration
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 28, 2024 at 4:34 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Nootropics are sometimes called “smart drugs” since they enhance cognitive performance and especially executive functions like memory, focus and creativity. Naturally occurring nootropics support focus and concentration by improving neural mechanisms related to learning and memory. Nootropic herbs have long been a staple of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and other traditional medicine practices. They The post 5 Potent Nootropic Herbs to Supercharge Memory and Concentration appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • ‘Strong and Consistent Evidence’ Links Multivitamins to Memory and Cognitive Benefits
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 23, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Taking a daily multivitamin may improve memory and slow cognitive decline in older adults, according to a third major study on the topic. The studies used data from the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS), which evaluated whether cocoa extract supplementation with and without a standard multivitamin affected the risk of developing The post ‘Strong and Consistent Evidence’ Links Multivitamins to Memory and Cognitive Benefits appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • Symptoms of Diverticulitis and How to Treat It
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 18, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection of small pouches called diverticula that can develop along the walls of your intestines. The formation of these pouches is known as diverticulosis, a common condition that typically causes few or no symptoms. However, when these pouches become inflamed or infected, it leads to diverticulitis, which can The post Symptoms of Diverticulitis and How to Treat It appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    by Erin Elizabeth on May 17, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Serotonin — also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT — is typically referred to as “the happiness hormone” and deficiency is thought to be the source of depression. That’s why depression is routinely treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that raise serotonin levels in your brain. The problem is, serotonin is NOT responsible The post SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome appeared first on Health Nut News.

  • Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times
    by Brian-Admin on October 20, 2024 at 11:47 pm

    As I have previously published, I get a lot of attacks and criticisms these days from American Christians who demand that I stop exposing the real Donald Trump, whom they believe is “the anointed one” who is going to save America, and presumably the world. I get far more comments and emails, however, from readers who are suffering the same thing among their families and friends, because they won’t bow down and worship Trump. Here is one: “I am getting so much flack from my family for being convicted to not vote for him. I feel like because I’m a millennial people think I’m being an entitled brat. I need prayer to remain strong in my conviction these last few weeks before the ‘election.’ Between abortion, government trafficking kids, and the abomination that is our medical system and our war machine, it seems we are under God’s judgement. IMO America is cooked.” I received another kind of criticism this week, one I have seen too often before, and it is an appeal to authority, claiming that “Christian Prophets” have confirmed that Donald Trump is God’s chosen one to usher in the “Great Awakening.” This is what Mindy Finkea wrote when she contacted me from the Health Impact News contact form: “Just so you know, I am a Christian also and because I listen to the Prophets in the last 4 years, God is saying through them that He is using Donald Trump to usher in the Great Awakening and He IS annointed by God to do this. President Trump is being used by God. No, he’s not perfect, none of us are, but God uses who is willing to be used by Him. I no longer wish to receive your emails since you are against God’s will for this man. Thank you. Mindy Finklea” I doubt that Mindy knows Trump personally to even be able to make these claims, just as she apparently doesn’t know much about me, and apparently has never bothered to read the About Us link, nor MANY of my articles, where I clearly tell the public that I am NOT a Christian, and do not belong to any religious group. So everyone who emails me trying to convince me to join your side with the Zionist Donald Trump because they are “also a Christian”, you already made a false statement that is not true in the very first words of your email, because I AM NOT ONE OF YOU. I recently hired someone local to repair some fencing, and one day he brought a friend with him to help. He was wearing a MAGA Trump hat, and when he was introduced to me, he said: “I’m the pastor of [name of church].” My reply was: “That’s OK. I won’t hold it against you.” His smile quickly turned to confusion, as I informed him that there is only one person referred to as “pastor” (shepherd) in the New Testament, and that his name is Jesus Christ. I also told him that there were only two kinds of people in the world, those serving Satan and the world system, and those serving Jesus in the Kingdom of God, to which he agreed. I then rebuked him and told him to start wearing a hat that promoted Jesus, instead of the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein associate Donald Trump. (He was about half my age, and was at least respectful towards me.) But what about these Christians who claim to be “prophets” and are trying to use their appeal to authority to convince people that Trump is God’s chosen man? What I am going to do in the rest of this article is trace the history of the term “prophet” in the Bible, starting in the Old Testament through the end of the New Testament, and how we can discern who the true prophets are today, and who the false prophets are. The post Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • 10,000 Body Bags Were Not Enough – Updates from on the Ground in North Carolina Disaster Relief
    by Brian-Admin on October 18, 2024 at 11:48 pm

    Hannah Stutts is the owner of JAKS Stables, in Wendell, North Carolina. When Hurricane Helene ripped through the area, Hannah joined forces with other local residents to start the Western Carolina Emergency Network, which is running a huge operation center in Western North Carolina, where Hannah has served as the dispatch of relief efforts in isolated towns that still need help. Hannah recently gave an impassioned plea from her on-the-ground perspective, where she stated that 10,000 body bags were supplied to the relief efforts in the area, but that there is now a request for even more. I have put Hannah’s plea together with an earlier video she did at the operation center where she describes the kind of work they are doing. I really appreciate Hannah’s communication about what is currently happening in North Carolina, without getting involved in blaming who or what caused this storm, or placing blame on other rescue efforts by getting involved in partisan politics. The post 10,000 Body Bags Were Not Enough – Updates from on the Ground in North Carolina Disaster Relief first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • Texas Father Accused of Bogus Shaken Baby Syndrome Scheduled to be First Person Ever Executed Over SBS TONIGHT
    by Brian-Admin on October 17, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    As I have been warning the public for over a decade now, if you bring your child into an emergency room anywhere in the U.S., especially “Children’s” hospitals, you risk having your child medically kidnapped by “Child Abuse” Pediatricians, whose entire profession relies on finding child abuse in children brought into the hospital. This very evil profession turns doctors into criminal detectives and prosecutors, something they receive ZERO training in, and instead simply examine X-rays of children, and then decide mostly on those X-rays to make the claim that the child was “abused.” We have reported on dozens of these cases where parents were falsely charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and lost their children, or even worse, went to prison. But now, taking your child to the hospital and having your child medically kidnapped from you has risen to a new height, as a Texas man sitting on death row is scheduled to be executed tonight based on the false science of the medical tyrants, Shaken Baby Syndrome. So this is the sad state of affairs in the U.S. today which is ruled by Medical Tyrants who have the power over life and death, and who gets to keep their children and those who do not. When you take your child to a hospital today, you could have your child ripped away from you forever, end up spending decades in prison, and then be executed – just because a doctor said so. The post Texas Father Accused of Bogus Shaken Baby Syndrome Scheduled to be First Person Ever Executed Over SBS TONIGHT first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • Christian Families Slaughtered in Lebanon by United States and Israeli Zionists – Coming Soon to the U.S. and a Town Near You
    by Brian-Admin on October 17, 2024 at 12:19 am

    The murderous American and Israeli Zionists are now following their true leader, whom Jesus stated has been a murderer since the beginning of time, and are now attacking Christians in Lebanon and killing entire Christian families including their children. As I have previously written, it is time to stop blaming Israel for all these atrocities, because Israel could do NOTHING without the support of the United States. And while the Biden administration is pretending to be upset with Israel, and pretending to threaten Israel’s support if they don’t stop killing so many innocent civilians, including now Lebanese Christians, nothing could be further from the truth. The United States and Israel are one, and Israel is just a proxy state used by the U.S. to commit acts of genocide and murder against anyone who is not a Zionist, and that includes Christians. I have put together a short video report that includes the recent bombing of a Christian village in northern Lebanon, that is just over 4 minutes long. As you watch, read the subtitles that translate what some Arab widows say about the murder of their husbands. It will shock you. All the death and destruction you see right now in the Middle East is inevitably coming to the U.S. And your favorite Zionist politician is not going to save you. The United States is going to soon harvest what they have planted. The post Christian Families Slaughtered in Lebanon by United States and Israeli Zionists – Coming Soon to the U.S. and a Town Near You first appeared on Health Impact News.

  • WW III Update: All Eyes on the United States/Israel vs. Iran/Russia as China Plans to Take Control in Asia
    by Brian-Admin on October 15, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    As the U.S. and Israel continue their acts of genocide against Palestinian and Lebanese innocent women and children all in the name of Zionism, the Middle East is bracing itself for an all out expanded war, as tensions continue to rise. All eyes are currently on the U.S. and their puppet state Israel, as they contemplate their next actions against Iran and Iran’s proxies in the area, and as a military alliance between Iran and Russia appears to be growing, evidenced by the recent meeting between Iran’s new President, Masoud Pezeshkian, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia and Iran are already the most sanctioned countries in the world by the U.S. and Europe. They have very little to lose economically with a full blown military conflict with the U.S. and Israel, so their military alliance seems quite natural. China, on the other hand, stands to lose much economically with a full blown conflict in the Middle East, or anywhere else, as they still depend upon the International banking system and the transfer of funds through the SWIFT banking system, that Russia and Iran do not have access to. And exports of Chinese goods to the U.S. are still a huge part of their economy. So what might China do if a full blown war breaks out in the Middle East, as seems inevitable at this point? They will most certainly move to take back what they claim is theirs in the Pacific, starting with Taiwan. And they appear to be preparing for just that. As I have previously reported, the U.S. admits that they cannot defeat China militarily in a conflict in the Pacific, and that Americans are totally unprepared for what might happen in a U.S. vs. China conflict. With the U.S. now sending more American troops and weapons to the Middle East, this could leave American troops in the Pacific, in South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, in extreme danger. And all of this risk to American citizens abroad as well as here in the U.S. is because we have to stand for Israel as “God’s chosen” nation?? The post WW III Update: All Eyes on the United States/Israel vs. Iran/Russia as China Plans to Take Control in Asia first appeared on Health Impact News.

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